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Zur Kasse

Music Notes / Ensemble / Drumset Trio

Funny Stubble

Funny Stubble
Preis: 11,90 EUR (11,90 USD) inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Artikelnr.: Ando0058

Lagerbestand: 0

Lieferbar in 3-4 Tagen


A piece that is mainly based on Latin American rhythms.

The composition opens with a "Call and Response", which is known from the Brazilian drummer groups, the Batucada.

Further stylistic interpretations of Afro-Cuban musical styles form a multifaceted interplay that is given an additional nuance by common figures.

Different time signatures alternate, as it does in different interpretations of traditional drum parts of percussion instruments.

The end is created by an instrumentation that corresponds to the tradition of the Bata drums.


  1. Katinka 11,90 EUR
  2. Rockin' Socks 11,90 EUR
  3. Funny Stubble 11,90 EUR
  4. Triple Gammon 11,90 EUR